Echoes of Home: livestream

Bartók & Dvořák

We welcome Hungarian conductor Gábor Káli and NZ violinist Amalia Hall to bring to life Bartók’s unique, folk-inspired soundworld.


Approx. 1 hour 39 minutes, including interval.

Want to come along to the concert?




Lilburn Aotearoa Overture
Bartok Violin Concerto No. 2        
Dvořák Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70

Béla Bartók’s Violin Concerto, written in 1937 at a time of increasing unease regarding his homeland’s future, overflows with the unique, folk-inspired soundworld of Bartók’s Hungary. To bring this world to life, we welcome Hungarian conductor Gábor Káli and NZ violinist Amalia Hall. Káli’s work with the Budapest Festival Orchestra launched him as a fast-rising interpreter of Bartók’s repertoire, while Hall has been praised for her “blazing insight and dazzling virtuosity” (The Strad).

We pair this work with Lilburn’s Aotearoa Overture and Dvořák’s Seventh Symphony – both expressions of love and care for the places these composers called home.

Amalia Hall appears with support from Jason Boyes and Nickie Van Der Beek.
