Supported by The Gibbs Family
Laurence is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York and the Royal College of Music in London.
He has been the Section Principal Timpanist of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra since 1998. A self-confessed timpani nerd, Larry enjoys unearthing, restoring and performing on antique kettledrums. He has three pairs of antiques in his personal collection and has even helped the NZSO acquire two sets of unusual historical timpani.
A keen motorcyclist, Larry combines his two passions by often travelling on orchestra tours around Aotearoa on his motorbike, usually accompanied by other NZSO biker musicians when the seasons and touring routes allow.
There's no better way to experience the beauty of New Zealand than from the seat of a motorbike.
In the many years of being a part of the NZSO family, Larry has cherished the wide variety of experiences that being in the national Orchestra offers. Regularly performing in dozens of cities and venues nationwide, recording over 70 commercial CDs and 25 motion picture soundtracks, and the parade of amazing guest artists that have appeared over the years makes performing in the orchestra a constant privilege for him.
Sitting behind the timpani is the best seat in the house!