We perform throughout Aotearoa New Zealand in some of the country’s finest venues. You can learn about each of these venues here.
We want to ensure all of our guests have a comfortable and enjoyable time.
Please let us know of any assistance you may need when you purchase a Membership Ticket. If you are buying single tickets, please ensure the ticketing agency is aware of any assistance you may need.
Where possible, we include accessibility information for each of the venues we perform in. Find out more by visiting our Accessibility page.
That’s great! You can keep up to date with the NZSO by signing up to our
monthly newsletter, eNotes.
Have you thought about becoming a member? Learn about all our member benefits by visiting Become a Member.
Support your NZSO through personal giving. All gifts, large or small, make an important difference and every donation of $5 or more is eligible for tax purposes.
Want to provide feedback about a concert you saw? If there’s something else you'd like to know, please get in touch:
e info@nzso.co.nz
p 0800 479 674